Thursday, December 29, 2011

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Art Bell, another parasitic jew!

On Thursday morning Art Bell, a jewish talk show host, was really attacking Ted Gunderson, David Hinkie and WWCR (a short-wave radio station). He and his lawyer called WWCR a member of a group of cults with their programming.

Of course they said this because WWCR will sell time to Christian Identity preachers such as Pete Peters; which the Jews don't like.

The program started with an attack on the above but quickly diverted to an attack on a couple of other men whom I didn't get their names and the Internet.

Art Bell was constantly saying that I believe in free speech "BUT!" This qualifier is a perfect example of Hegalian Dialectics, that says one thing (1) free speech should be allowed on the internet, but (2) free speech should not be allowed on the internet. Then they proposed what is near and dear to all politicians and that is to make people who use the Internet purchase a "LICENSE" to be able to use it.

So Art Bell believes one should have free speech on the one hand, but not on the other, and that you should pay for a license to use the internet. Now isn't that peachy keen?

However in the some 3 hours that they were talking about this thing it became quite apparent that Art Bell, his lawyer and some supporters not mentioned (want to be this was not the ADL?) were suing WWCR, Ted Gunderson, and a couple of others for slander. However, I believe that the real thing behind all of this is not so much a slander suit, which Art Bell claims, but to hinder the Internet and to shut down WWCR.

It also becomes very apparent after listening to the show for several weeks that Mr. Bells real motive is to destroy Christianity which is dear to all jews heart. And to foster upon the American people all sorts of weird beliefs that are in direct contrast and counter to Christianity such as Judaism.

This I believe is the real reason for his show in the first place and is why it is carried on more than 400 stations across America.

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